Hola a todos muchachos, gracias por visitar este humilde Blog de un joven, quiero pedir unas disculpas porque últimamente no he estado activo en el blogger y pienso cambiar de tema ahora para contar mas sobre las experiencias que he vivido.
Hoy les comparto este vídeo como parte de una promoción de las zonas donde pasas los trenes del hermoso país de Japón.
Y los creditos del video son para : Erez Sitzer
miyako...(enjoy in HD)
i was searching for a train station. the kind you rarely see. small. countryside. we found it. and by happenchance, found something else. someone else. miyako. the station master. i watched her smile at each exiting passenger. then, noticed her wave at the departing one-car train. then, surprisingly, she continued waving. she waved until there was no trace left of the distant train. no one witnessed her, except, well, me. in that short span, my love and wonder of life was renewed. when i spoke to her later, she said at first she felt so shy. and hardly waved at all. slowly, over time, she began doing something she neither needed to do, nor imagined she ever would. so, this is miyako, master of a tiny station in the middle of nowhere japan who attends to every train and passenger that passes by:Posted by Erez Sitzer on Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Y bien muchachos me despido de ustedes y les agradezco por visitar este humilde blog de antemano gracias, y tengan un buen día.
Y espero que vuelvan por aquí otra vez y disfruten de las nuevas entradas que empezare a realizar para seguir en contacto con ustedes y recomendar a todos lo lindo y bonito que es japon en sus diferentes estaciones del año.